I, who ignore so many things, know that I ignore one more.
Digital video, 2022 | 10'00" | 4K | 1:18:1 | Color | Stereo
Video and film festivals
2023 Rencontres Internacionales Paris/Berlin for new cinema and contemporary art
2022 Entre Olhares. Mostra de Cinema Português
Jorge Luis Borges writes the date of September 9, 1978 as today in his poem “El Go”. When faced, on that date, by the oriental game of “Go”, the author renounces the supposed oracular power of that board and its pieces and is grateful that its artistic inspiration makes the writer walk in other paths.
Borges does not ignore it out of indifference, but out of sagacity. Thus, “I, who ignore so many things, know that I ignore one more” also concerns choices, but still seeks the intelligence of Jorge Luis Borges and many others through a debate between past, present and future; between the real and the virtual and especially between who we are and who we want to be.
This video art work intends to ponder between decisions, choices and mistakes in order to understand the present and project the future through observations about the past, since the mistakes resulting from a time full of certainties led us to a cloudy and oscillating period. between apathy, anesthesia, post-truth, torment, infinite work-entertainment, euphoria and fervor - a chaos favorable to the maintenance of power.
Thus, aware of the yes and the no, we could get carried away between the variations of black and white, abuse time and lose ourselves in a lucid labyrinth.
I, who ignore so many things, know that I ignore one more, 2022
Digital video. 10’00” | 4K | 1:85:1 | Color| Stereo